fare il medico (e l’infermiere ed altro) in Canada

Il Governo Canadese ha stilato di recente una lista di 38 professioni ritenute idonee a presentare domanda di immigrazione in Canada come residenti permanenti nella categoria di lavoratori specializzati, skilled workers.
Nella predetta lista, fra altre attività, sono indicati:
Managers sanitari;
Medici specialisti;
Medici di famiglia;
Tecnici di radiologia;

Le caratteristiche che ciascun aspirante deve avere sono specificate per ogni singola professione. L’ elenco delle professioni (a seguire) consente di realizzare una sorta di scrematura di tutti coloro che intendono emigrare in quanto il Canada apre le porte soltanto a coloro che svolgono un’ attività di cui l’ economia ed il mercato canadese necessita. La sottoscritta, in qualità di referente dell’ Italia della New West Life, un’ importante società canadese che si occupa di consulenza per l’immigrazione con sede in Windsor (ON) Canada, svolge il compito di raccogliere e valutare i curricula  degli italiani che intendono emigrare in Canada e vagliare se gli stessi sono in possesso dei requisiti previsti dalla legge canadese per poter presentare domanda di immigrazione. L’ attività da me svolta facilita l’ accesso alla normativa canadese in materia di flussi migratori, garantendo un rapporto diretto con il consulente ed una maggiore celerità nell’ adempimento dell’ iter burocratico, a differenza di quanto può avvenire rivolgendosi agli ordinari canali istituzionali per il disbrigo della pratica.
Gli indirizzi dei nostri siti web sono: www.emigrazionecanada.it e www.newwestlife.com
Contatti via posta elettronica:info@emigrazionecanada.it e stefaniabillante@alice.it
FONTE: www.cic.gc.ca

0311 Managers in Health Care
Employment requirements
Administrators of departments such as surgery, clinical medicine or laboratory medicine are usually required to have the education and training of a specialist physician.
Administrators of other departments, such as nursing, dietetics or physiotherapy, are usually required to have the education and training of the medical professionals in that department.
Several years of experience in the relevant profession, including supervisory experience, are usually required.
Certification in the relevant profession is required.
Certification by the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists is required in all provinces except Quebec.
Experience as a medical radiation technologist is required for supervisors and instructors.
Additional information
There is no mobility between the three types of medical radiation technologists without further training.
3111 Specialist Physicians
Employment requirements
Specialist physicians
A bachelor of science degree or In Quebec, completion of a college program and one year of pre-medicine university studies is usually required.
Graduation from an approved medical school and specific specialty training are required.
Completion of the certifying examinations of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and Licensing by the provincial or territorial licensing authority are required.
Specialists in clinical medicine
Four to five years of specialty residency training are required.
Two years of subspecialty training may also be required.
Specialists in laboratory medicine
Four to five years of specialty residency training are required.
Specialists in surgery
Five to six years of specialty residency training are required.
Two years of subspecialty training may also be required

3112 General Practitioners and Family Physicians
Employment requirements
A bachelor’s degree or In Quebec, completion of a college program and one year of pre-medicine university studies is usually required.
Graduation from an approved medical school and Two to three years of family medicine residency training are required.
Completion of the qualifying examinations of the Medical Council of Canada and Licensing by the provincial or territorial licensing authority are required.
Additional information
General practitioners and family physicians may become specialist physicians with additional training

3141 Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists
Employment requirements
Audiologists require a master’s degree in audiology.
Speech-language pathologists require a master’s degree in speech-language pathology.
Registration with a regulatory body is required for audiologists and speech-language pathologists in New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Membership in the national association, Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, may be required.
In some jurisdictions, audiologists may be required to obtain a separate licence to dispense hearing aids.
Additional information
Progression into management positions, such as chief audiologist or director of speech-language pathology, is possible with experience

3143 Occupational Therapists
Employment requirements
A university degree in occupational therapy including supervised fieldwork is required or Graduation from an occupational therapy program approved by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) is accepted in some provinces.
Completion of the national certification examination may be required.
Licensure with a regulatory body is required in all provinces.
Membership in the national association, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, is required in some provinces.
Occupational therapists may obtain expertise in a particular area through additional training or experience.
Additional information onal information
Occupational therapists may progress to management or administrative positions through further training and experience

3142 Physiotherapists
Employment requirements
A university degree in physiotherapy and a period of supervised practical training are required.
A licence or registration with a regulatory body is required to practise physiotherapy in all provinces.
Completion of the Physiotherapy National Exam, administered by the Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulatory Boards, may be required.
Additional information
Progression to management positions, such as director of physiotherapy, is possible through experience and additional training.

3151 Head Nurses and Supervisors
Employment requirements
Completion of a university, college or other approved registered nursing program is required.
Courses in management studies such as the Nursing Unit Administration Course offered by the Canadian Hospital Association or other degree, diploma, certificate or studies in management or administration may be required.
Registration as a registered nurse by a provincial or territorial regulatory body or, in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, provincial registration as a registered psychiatric nurse is required.
Clinical experience as a registered nurse is required.
Additional information
Progression to management positions, such as director of nursing, is possible with experience

Employment requirements
Completion of a university, college or other approved registered nursing program is required.
Additional academic training or experience is required to specialize in a specific
area of nursing.
A master’s or doctoral degree in nursing is usually required for clinical nurse specialists, clinical nurses, nursing consultants and nursing researchers.
Registration with a regulatory body is required in all provinces and territories.
Nurse practitioners
A master’s degree in nursing, or a nursing program or other advanced nurse practitioner diploma program is required.
Registration with a regulatory body is required in all provinces and territories
In Ontario, successful completion of the Extended Class Registration Examination (ECRE) is required for registration as Registered Nurse in the Extended Class RN(EC).
Registered psychiatric nurses
Completion of a university or college registered psychiatric nursing program is required.
Registration with a regulatory body is required in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.
Additional information
Nurses trained exclusively as registered psychiatric nurses (RPN) are regulated in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. In all other provinces and territories, registered nurses (RN) may work as psychiatric nurses without separate registration.
Registered nurses may progress to supervisory and managerial positions with experience.

3233 Licensed Practical Nurses
Employment requirements
Completion of a vocational, college or other approved program for licensed practical nurses is required.
Registration with a regulatory body is required in all provinces and territories.
Completion of the Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Examination is required in all provinces and territories except Quebec.
Operating room technicians require either additional academic training in operating room techniques or on-the-job training.
Additional information
Working under the direction of a medical practitioner or registered nurse is not required for licensed practical nurses in all jurisdictions.

3215 Medical Radiation Technologists
Employment requirements
Completion of a two- to three-year college, hospital or other approved program in diagnostic radiography (for radiological technologists), nuclear medicine technology (for nuclear medicine technologists) or radiation therapy (for radiation therapists) or A bachelor of health sciences in radiography, nuclear medicine or radiation therapy and A period of supervised practical training are required.
Licensure with a regulatory body is required in all provinces.
Certification by the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists is required in all provinces except Quebec.
Experience as a medical radiation technologist is required for supervisors and instructors.
Additional information
There is no mobility between the three types of medical radiation technologists without further training.

Dott Sabino Berardino: Dott Sabino Berardino Medico Chirurgo, a Firenze Specialista in Medicina Interna perfezionato in Ecografia ed Ecocolordoppler Vascolare Master di I livello in 'nuove tecnologie in Medicina - elearning'

View Comments (19)

  • mi chiamo francesco capestro, ho 31 anni , sono laureato in medicina e chirurgia a bari,italia, ho effettuato 3 anni di specializzazione in cardiologia a bari. Vorrei sapere se in canada è possibile cominciare la specializzaione in cardiologia partendo da un livello di base, inserirsi nel corso di una specializzazione o c'è possibilità solo per specialisti in cardiologia. Grazie.

  • sono la compagna di un neurochirurgo assai affermato il quale ha intenzione di lasciare l italia..qualora lo prendessero in canada a me sarebbe data l opportunità di entrare nel paese?sono quasi laureata in fisioterapia...dovrei esser sua moglie?premetto che abbiamo un figlio assieme.grazie

  • sono un infermiera di 29 anni,zii residenti in canada. il mio problema è la lingua inglese che conosco poco. ho speranze di poter vivere in canada?è il mio grande sogno.

  • Salve sono un infermiera di 34 anni e da 7 lavoro in pronto soccorso. il mio compagno ne ha 40 e' medico specializzato e lavora in ps anche lui. abbiamo due figli e vorremmo trasferirci in canada a vancouver e dintorni. l'inglese lo conosciamo abbastanza ma ci stiamo impegnando per parlarlo correttamente. sappiamo che i nostri titoli di studio non sono riconosciuti e che ci sono esami da sostenere, ma la cosa non ci spaventa siamo entusiasti di ampliare sempre piu' le nostre conoscenze. C'e' possibilita' visti i nostri presupposti di poter emigrare. Grazie. Arrivederci. Tiziana.

  • cara Tiziana
    nell'articolo trovi tutti i recapiti per porre le tue domande a chi di dovere
    Buona fortuna

  • sono marochino infermier generico lavoro in italia da piu 20 anni come o.s.s nel settore della sanita ha un deploma infermier denerico il mio deploma no ha sttato riconuchuto dalle italia cosa devo fare per continuare a studiare per diventtare infermiere professionale grazie

  • Salve,
    sono uno specialista dermatyologo con parecchi anni di esperienza e varie competenze tecniche (dermatologia pediatrica ed altre)
    Mi piacerebbe valutare la possibilità di trovare lavoro in Canada possibilmente adatto alle mie caratteristiche tecniche ed alla mia esperienza. Ritenete ciò sia possibile?


  • Sono un medico di 50 anni. Lavoro da anni in un reparto di riabilitazione neuromotoria e mi interesso di terapia del dolore
    Sono molto interessata alla possibiolità di trasferirmi in Canada puoi darmi qualche dritta per come fare o a chi rivolgermi

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