uranio impoverito e cancro: cosa dicono le ricerche scientifiche

stimolato da un articolo pubblicato su il fatto quotidiano sono andato a rivedere quel che dice la letteratura scientifica riguardo alla relazione tra uranio impoverito ed incremento dei casi di cancro.
Cito solo tre articoli, su pubmed potete ricercare – liberamente – lo stato attuale della ricerca scientifica mondiale sul tema dell’uranio impoverito ed i suoi effetti sulla salute.

Carvalho FP, Oliveira JM.
Uranium isotopes in the Balkan’s environment and foods following the use of depleted uranium in the war.
Environ Int. 2010 May;36(4):352-60. Epub 2010 Mar 29.
Results on soils indicated also that environmental contamination by DU was much localized and confined to the areas of ammunition impact. Concentrations of uranium in most of the environmental and food samples were comparable to concentrations of uranium measured in other European regions, such as Portugal and United Kingdom, and uranium isotopic ratios were in general compatible with isotopic ratios typical of natural uranium.
Lagorio S, Grande E, Martina L.
Review of epidemiological studies of cancer risk among Gulf War and Balkans veterans
Epidemiol Prev. 2008 May-Jun;32(3):145-55.
The overall incidence of cancers is not increased in the cohort studies of Gulf war and Balkans veterans published to date, nor there is consistent evidence of excess risks of neoplasms possibly related to exposure to depleted uranium.
The study cohorts are young and the follow-up periods are probably too short to capture excesses of long latency outcomes.
Macfarlane GJ, Biggs AM, Maconochie N, Hotopf M, Doyle P, Lunt M.
Incidence of cancer among UK Gulf war veterans: cohort study.
BMJ. 2003 Dec 13;327(7428):1373.
There is no current excess risk of cancer overall nor of site specific cancers in Gulf war veterans. Specific exposures during deployment have not resulted in a subsequent increased risk of cancer. The long latent period for cancer, however, necessitates the continued follow up of these cohorts.

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