virtual community ’European e-Skills Forum’: fine dell’esperienza

Dopo la fine di ECCE (il portale  AIFA che proponeva corsi e-learning con crediti ECM per medici ed altri professionisti della sanità italiana) cessa un’altra iniziativa – vita breve a leggere il comunicato – volta a sviluppare le e-competenze: mi vien da pensare che tutto questo e-parlare, ovvero il voler credere che internet deve per forza migliorare le modalità di apprendimento, non è una delle tante/troppe bolle informativo/economiche che abbiamo vissuto negli ultimi anni . . .

Following the reorganisation of Cedefop’s web portal, Cedefop in agreement with the European Commission has decided to cease the virtual community ’European e-Skills Forum’ by 15 July 2009.
The virtual community was set up by Cedefop on behalf of the European Commission to promote the implementation of the policy Communication of the European Commission on ‘e-skills for the 21st Century: Fostering Competitiveness, Growth and Jobs’ (2007) and to facilitate an open dialogue between all relevant stakeholders.
One of the activities initiated by the Communication as part of the Communication follow up was a feasibility study on a European e-skills and career portal, aiming the portal to be available by the end of 2008.
The European e-Skills Career Portal project was launched for the European e-Skills 2008 Conference in Thessaloniki on 9-10 October and is supported by the eSkills Industry Leadership Board (ILB).
We recommend the portal as a source for information and communication on e-Skills:
We also want to inform you of the DG Enterprise and Industry relevant web site:
We would like to thank all contributors to the European e-Skills Forum virtual community.
The e-Skills VC team

Dott Sabino Berardino: Dott Sabino Berardino Medico Chirurgo, a Firenze Specialista in Medicina Interna perfezionato in Ecografia ed Ecocolordoppler Vascolare Master di I livello in 'nuove tecnologie in Medicina - elearning'
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